Departments Events

Mahila Swachhta Abhiyan 2015

The Mahila Swachhata Abhiyan is set up by Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat Shree Anandiben Patel. So OM Engineering College has started this initiative for women empowerment with clean India Mission. There have been one week program that has been executed by girl students of OM Engineering College as part of Co curricular activities as well as to be independent for their decision on Cleanliness by spreading such ideas to women living in the village names Chokli as well.

GlobArena Mega Placement Drive-2015

Computer Department Organized "GlobArena Mega Placement Drive-2015" 1st time in junagadh on 15th June 2015.20+ reputed companies are participated in job fair. Around 80+ students from different colleges of Gujarat were select in job fair.

QUIZ COMPETITION Battle of the Brains

Our Computer Department was orgenise the QUIZ COMPETITION the "Battle of the Brains" as a part of national science day celebration to encourage the student for independent study and academic excellence.8 teams were participate in it.Awards prize to the winning team and the 1 st runner-up and 2nd runner-up team which is donated by our department faculty


Engineers operate at the interface between science and society.To identify the great works done by our hard working engineers each year Om Engineering College celebrated on 15th September as Engineers' Day marking the birth day of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya

Computer Literacy Program and Training

Computer Literacy Program and Training is the social activity or social program to aware the primary and high-school students
